Tajima’s embroidery technology creating beautiful, elaborate embroidery

Embroidery is used in all kinds of settings: fashion, an expression of individuality and trends; uniforms that strengthen team cohesiveness; clothing from various countries reflecting their traditions and cultures. Creating beautiful, elaborate embroidery requires advanced sewing techniques. Tajima’s lineup of embroidery machines enables you to reproduce images and concepts down to the finest detail. From intricate details to materials, Tajima expands the possibilities of design and art, without limiting the quality and creativity you insist on.

  1. "i-TM" AI-Powered Embroidery Technology

    This feature enables you to sew different fabrics, even those with variant thicknesses and degrees of elasticity, all without needing to adjust the upper thread.
    It also handles embroidery threads of various types and thicknesses, allowing you to create beautiful embroidery, regardless of the type of thread used.

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  2. ”DG16” embroidery software allows you to digitize your inspiration

    The embroidery design software “DG16” is equipped with a wide variety of fonts, a selection of techniques, special stitch effects, and more. The editing tools can also be used to create one-of-a-kind designs.

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  3. A variety of embroidery techniques using specialized machines

    This software lets you employ specialized embroidery techniques, including cord embroidery using tape or ribbon, chenille, and chain stitch embroidery. Combining different materials and embroidery techniques creates limitless design possibilities.

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  4. Expanding design possibilities with perforation, sewing, and embroidery

    PAX enables sewing, embroidery, and perforation on various different materials such as synthetic leather, vegan leather, and genuine leather, expanding possibilities not only functionally but also in terms of design.

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  5. Embroidering nearly anything with a wide variety of embroidery frames

    Tajima offers embroidery frames for a variety of uses, making it possible to embroider practically any item. Furthermore, Tajima’s cylinder-type machine makes it easy to add embroidery to finished products.

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Tajima’s abilities in providing total solutions helps resolve problems at production sites

It is said that a declining birthrate, aging population, shifting lifestyles, and other recent societal changes are making it difficult for companies to secure workers, and the embroidery industry is no exception. As veteran craftsmen retire and various other factors come into play, securing highly skilled operators has become a struggle, making this a serious problem for manufacturing sites. Tajima offers solutions that enhance the efficiency of embroidery businesses’ factory operations, with more stable production of high-quality embroidery, visualization of production information, and suggestions for embroidery machines and software that are tailored to the customer’s business.


Consistent production of high-quality embroidery with AI embroidery machines

“i-TM” uses AI to automatically control the upper needle thread tension adjustment, a major factor influencing the embroidery finish. Now you can eliminate discrepancies in quality from different operators and consistently provide the highest quality embroidery, even when the operators running the machines are new to embroidery.

More efficient factory operations through visualization of production information

PulseID is an integrated system that covers everything from automatically creating embroidery data to transferring that data, providing production status, and generating reports. In addition, visualizing the embroidery machines’ operating and production status allows you to evaluate production efficiency.


Personalized embroidery for products to suit each customer

These days, rather than simply purchasing products, today’s consumer tends to value unique, individualized items, so personalization businesses have become a new trend. This is accompanied by a simultaneous increase in demand for personalized embroidery, which can yield items that are one of a kind. However, there are issues that present difficulties in implementing such services, with the complexity of running such an operation being one challenge. Tajima utilizes cloud technology to simplify the more complicated aspects, supporting an environment that makes it easy to start personalizing embroidery.

"PulseID" to facilitate personalized embroidery

This approach utilizes cloud technology, which holds down costs for development and other initial expenses, and allows businesses to introduce these services without any specialized programming knowledge.
Personalizing embroidery provides the most satisfying purchasing experience.

More about PulseID


Support system to help actualize designs

At Tajima Group, our staff of specialists in the design and advanced technology departments support customers in solving their problems. Please feel free to contact us with any troubles you may have.
We welcome the following:

  • Those who want to try out embroidery but do not know who to consult
  • Those wondering if there might be new ways of expressing themselves
  • Those who want to try reproducing designs with embroidery
  • Those who want to try our new techniques to realize both functionality and design

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